CrewLounge CONNECT is not only the most user-friendly app available today, you get all these awesome features to enjoy your life in the sky:
- Download your roster and view off-line
- Share your roster with colleagues within the same company and in other airlines
- Meet new people in outstation
rest calculator
Start, end and number of crew. We calculate your rest.

See when, where, how long and who you have been flying with.

meet new people
Find colleagues with shared interests… or meet up with other crew members on a layover for shopping, sports or more.

things to do
Discover places to visit and restaurants with crew discount.

Grab your car’s location with GPS, store your hotel room number and WIFI info all on one page. Additionally, use the currency converter and 3 handy dandy wall-clocks: Local, base and UTC time.

You have full control over your privacy settings. You decide what to share, and with whom.

wake-up / pick-up
Time to fly home… Calculate and share the pick-up time when on layover.